University of South Alabama

Modified Media for Enhanced Mouse Primary Cell Culture



Pulmonary endothelium (PE) provide vital functions in the lung and play important roles in inflammation, hemostasis, angiogenesis and regulation of vascular tone. The PE also exhibit therapeutic potential in a variety of areas such as gene therapy, cardiac regeneration, vascular graft potential, and tissue transplants. Given the importance of PE, numerous cell culture methods have been developed to identify the role of PE in lung diseases and treatments. Cell culture models thus far have used endothelial cells from bovine or rat sources. To date, homogeneous cultures of mouse endothelium are costly and extremely difficult to achieve due to the limited number of cells that could be harvested from each animal and the difficulty associated with maintaining PE cells in culture. Thus, it is necessary to develop a culture medium that both sustains the cultures and allows for long-term viability. This would dramatically increase the efficiency of cell culture experiments, while reducing expenses associated with maintaining mouse breeding colonies.



Researchers at the University of South Alabama developed a cell culture media that results in enhanced cell growth and culture longevity of mouse primary culture endothelium and other cell types. The unique formula of this cell culture media has been shown to enhance growth and viability of mouse endothelial cells, Hela cells, bovine endothelial cells, IMHEK cells, HUVEC cells. Notably, this media was able to rejuvenate rat endothelial cells that are showing 10% or less viability rate. This medium supports cell growth on both small scale and large scale propagation. Mouse endothelial cultures have been, at this point, in continuous culture for more the 4 years and remain healthy and viable with the ability to culture successfully.



•  Enables mouse primary cell cultures

•  Increases growth of mouse primary cells in culture

•  Enhances survival and viability of cells in culture

•  Rejuvenates cell cultures showing 10% or less viability rate

•  Increases efficiency of cell culture experiments

•  Minimizes the reliance on mouse colonies

•  Minimizes the number of mice sacrificed due to gathering sufficient cells

•  Enables culture of cell lines like HUVEC that are traditionally challenging to culture

•  Lowers the financial cost of purchasing, maintaining, and breeding mice

•  Allows the researcher to complete the experiment in a much shorter time period



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For Information, Contact:
Andrew Byrd
University of South Alabama
Anna Buford